Top Ten Home Remedies For Acne

6 min readJul 2, 2021

Congratulations! You have landed on a list of easy and simple Top ten Home Remedies for acne.

Do you love to flaunt your clear, shiny, and acne free, spotless skin? Who doesn’t.. Amidst of these desires, what else can be more frustrating than unwanted acne sores and scars. In order to deal with this disturbing skin condition let’s discover the natural home remedies for acne.

“I believe that for every illness or ailment known to man, that God has a plant out here that will heal it. We just need to keep discovering the properties for natural healing.” – Vannoy Gentles Fite, Essential Oils for Healing: Over 400 All-Natural Recipes for Everyday Ailments

How Is Acne Formed?

Let’s first dig deep into the root cause of acne . The sebaceous (oil-producing) glands that are attached to hair follicles, plug the follicle pores due to excessive oil production. This plug appears as a white head when covered by a thin layer of skin and a blackhead when it is exposed to air. The real trouble starts when the bacteria present on the skin surface creates inflammation in the clogged pores. If you want to learn more about the different forms of acne and how it is formed click on: ‘How is acne formed’

So till now, we have tracked down the culprits for these uninvited, undesirable acne outbursts.

  • Excess oil production
  • Clogged hair follicles by oil and dead skin cells
  • Bacteria.
  • Inflammation

Home remedies for acne work by balancing oil production, reducing inflammation, wiping off bacteria, and preventing acne in the future.

Here’s the list of Top 10 Home Remedies For Acne

Simple Honey Mask for Acne

The healing properties of honey have been tried and tested for centuries. Whether it is taken orally to treat cough and sore throat or applied externally, it is highly beneficial. The honey cinnamon face mask is a magical treatment for all skin problems including acne.

Take 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder and mix it into 3 tablespoons of honey. Apply this mixture all over the skin, with or without acne. Allow it to penetrate in your skin for a good ten to fifteen minutes. Splash your skin with clean water and pat dry with a towel.

Beating Acne with the Magical Aloe-Vera

Aloe-vera is an excellent moisturizer as it contains lots of water. This can be used as a mild home remedy, for the discomfort and irritation caused by acne. People with dry skin can preferably benefit more from aloe-vera. Acne inflammation is soothed by the anti-inflammatory properties of Aloe-vera.

Apply a thin layer of freshly extracted aloe-vera gel directly to the acne. You don’t need to wipe it off later. It will not only provide moisture to dead, dry, and damaged skin but also create a soothing effect. Make aloe vera a regular part of your skin regime and you will thank me later for this advice.

Cucumber Face Pack for Acne

Cucumbers are nutritious and refreshing gift of nature. They adorn the salad plates and are consumed by young and old with great interest. Acne monsters can be calmed down a bit by using cucumbers. You can reap the benefits of cucumber by using by applying cucumber acne face pack.

Blend a small cucumber with a cup of oatmeal. Add one teaspoon of yogurt to this mixture. Ta-da your mask is ready. Apply on your face, relax for up to 30 mins and rinse off. This remedy might not deal with the root cause of acne but sure will be helpful in healing and soothing the skin.

Aspirin-the Secret Acne Buster

The chemical composition of aspirin makes it suitable for dealing with acne inflammation and treatment. It contains acetylsalicylic acid which is somewhat similar to salicylic acid, the primary ingredient present in many products for acne treatment available over the counter. Application of aspirin paste directly on acne has been reported to reduce inflammation and eventually clear up acne.

Take 2 to 3 aspirin tablets and crush them into a powdery form. Add a little amount of lukewarm warm water to make a thick paste. Apply this paste directly onto the acne and let it stay there for 10 mins. After that rinse your face with water and pat dry. This home remedy for acne can be repeated twice daily.

Paste of Turmeric

South Asian women have been using turmeric as a part of their skincare routine for centuries. Turmeric has biotic components which act as an anti-inflammatory and wound healers.

Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric with a small amount of coconut oil to make a paste. Apply this paste to areas of the skin affected by acne. Let it penetrate the pores for 15 minutes. Wash the face with fresh water and pat dry. You can repeat this home remedy for acne twice or even thrice a weak in order to reap its benefits to the fullest.

Banana Peel for Acne Treatment

The nutritional benefits of bananas are uncountable. They are not only a source of vitamins in our diet, but can also be used externally. Banana peels contain a super powerful antioxidant called lutein. Its application not only reduces swelling and inflammation but also encourages healthy cell growth.

All you have to do is open up a fresh banana and rub its peel all over your face in a circular motion. Give your face a thorough scrub with the soft and smooth banana peel. Let its goodness absorb in the skin for at least 20 minutes. You can wash it afterwards and enjoy the feeling of freshness.

Ice Pack-the Cold Home Remedy for Acne

Ice packs can be used to decrease acne inflammation. The direct application of ice packs covered in a washcloth decreases the blood supply in the affected area thus resulting in a decreased swelling and irritation. Be careful not to use these for a longer duration of time or pressing hard against the skin surface, as this might lead to frostbite.

Lemon Juice: Let the Acne Taste the Rich Vitamin C Juice

Lemon juice is a rich treasure of vitamin C. Citric acid present in lemon aids in exfoliation of the skin. Vitamin C present in lemon aids in skin whitening. It is a natural astringent, which causes a contraction in blood vessels which in turn dries out the acne. Lemon is a simple yet very effective home remedy for acne scars.

Squeeze a few drops on lemon juice and add equal amount of water to it. Apply this mixture to acne effected areas. Lemon juice can significantly reduce acne scars.

Tomatoes for Acne Treatment

Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin A, C and K. The antioxidant properties of tomatoes help in drying out acne. You can take a fresh tomato, slice it and rub it directly on the acne-affected area of skin. Alternatively, you can grind a tomato to make a paste and apply it directly. You should try to repeat this process daily to generate noticeable results.

Fuller’s Earth-Close to Nature Home

Fuller’s earth commonly known as ‘Multani mitti’ is effective in absorbing extra oil from the skin surface. Excessive oil is the prime culprit in most acne cases, fuller’s earth is quite beneficial in this regard. You will need to mix fuller’s earth, sandalwood powder in equal amount. Add rose water to make a paste. Apply this mask on the face and let it dry. When the mask completely dry, rinse it off with water.

The natural home remedies to cure acne may not be the magical one application success story but will surely help in soothing the skin. Not to forget their benefits of being natural and chemical free, these natural DIY home remedies for acne must be given a chance.




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